- Mr. Petrov, can you introduce Ester SPS to our readers?
In the furniture industry for over 20 years, I have gone through all levels of production. I founded Ester SPS in 2014. The company specializes in the production of built-in furniture - furnishing for home and public interiors, offices, and hotels.
Πpoeĸти, изпълнeни oт Еѕtеr Ѕрѕ, ca лyĸcoзни дoмaшни интepиopи зa чacтни лицa ĸaĸтo в Бългapия, тaĸa и в Бeлгия, Aвcтpия и Фpaнция. Интepиopи, пpoизвeдeни oт Еѕtеr Ѕрѕ, ca oтличeни нa гoдишнитe нaгpaди нa cп. “Идeaлeн дoм” зa 2020 г., ĸaĸтo и нa Dіblа Dеѕіgn Аwаrdѕ зa 2020 г. в ĸaтeгopия “Kъщa нa гoдинaтa”.
- Complex services in furniture production and furnishing are a feature of your work?
- We have our own base equipped with modern technological and industrial standards, with a closed production cycle that allows us to take on various orders.
- Is the quality of materials particularly important for such a delicate product as furnishing?
- The materials and products we use in the production of our items are recycled and from leading European manufacturers, meeting all environmental protection requirements.
- How have customer requirements and preferences changed?
- Customers are more informed and demanding when choosing materials. They seek ecological and sustainable products, which necessitates the use of natural materials and components in interior design.
- What innovations are there in the materials, machines, and design you use?
- Modern furniture production machines are equipped with CNC (Computer Numerical Control). In the development of our products, we use innovative computer-based technologies, integrate software and ERP systems, allowing the execution of complex projects at fast paces.
Our existing base allows us to maintain stable positions in a competitive market.
It is characteristic to incorporate the presence of biophilic and bionic styles in our design.
- Can we illustrate this with good examples? What are your plans for future development?
- Recently, Ester SPS has been increasingly involved in the segment of office spaces.
One of our recent projects, which was very interesting, brought great satisfaction to the inhabitants. It is a residence that had to provide aesthetic and functional value to the users while being in harmony with the peculiarities of domestic pets – 7 cats.